
A few ones

I often see souls trying to go back to their own bodies, 
But they are so lost that they can't find themselves, 
And maybe that's why there is no many empty people with empty minds. 

In nowadays is getting harder to really know the other person,
Everyone seems so busy searching for their own self, 
That sharing started to be a challenge, and Selfishness a chore. 

But even so, i still have faith on those souls that are like me, 
Not seeking, not busy, but pleased to share what they already have, 
Trying their best to make this life worthy to the ones around them. 

Un (already) Finished

You are almost there, and about to have it when reality shows up. 
"The end" is the only page you know, and the lack of “something” gives you a full unwritten book. 
How real are the feelings of an almost lover?
How can you forget what never happened and erase the unmade memories?
I guess that's when you find yourself in half, wondering when  did madness became your sanity. 
And by almost touching the unreachable, you turn the just about into a possible never.